DS200CSSAG1BCB Standard dimensions for boards installed in drives
地址: 贵州省安顺市西秀区北街街道虹山湖路42号虹山大酒店(百灵.希尔顿逸林酒店 )幢14层9号


DS200CSSAG1BCB Standard dimensions for boards installed in drives

DS200CSSAG1BCB Standard dimensions for boards installed in drives

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GE Battery Status Sensor Board DS200CSSAG1BCB contains two 40-pin connectors and is 4 inches high and 11 inches wide.It also contains a 4-pin connector and a 9-pin connector.The GE Battery Status Sensor Board DS200CSSAG1BCB is a standard size board for installation in drives.Circuit board racks are designed with rack space to accommodate the circuit board, with screw holes aligned with the board.While you are removing the circuit board from the drive, use a screwdriver to remove the screws and washers holding the circuit board in place.Don't let any hardware fall into the drive.It is best to use two hands when removing the circuit board.Use one hand to turn the screwdriver and the other hand to hold the screws, washers, and other hardware.Put the hardware together, you may need it when installing the new board.If any hardware happens to fall into the drive, stop the replacement process and search for the hardware.If metal parts are left in the drive, there is an electrical hazard that could damage components or cause a fire.Also check the hardware in the moving parts.If moving parts become jammed, parts may be damaged.Before restarting the drive, inform others in the area of this process.It's best to clean the area before restarting the drive to avoid injury.

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