DS200DCFBG1BFB General Electric
地址: 贵州省安顺市西秀区北街街道虹山湖路42号虹山大酒店(百灵.希尔顿逸林酒店 )幢14层9号


DS200DCFBG1BFB General Electric

DS200DCFBG1BFB General Electric

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DS200DCFBG1BFB is a power board developed by General Electric for its Mark V series driver boards.

Both the control stage power supply and the chassis fans receive power from this board.Many GE drives including AC2000, DC2000, CB2000, ME2000 and FC2000 can accept and use this specific power strip.The control power transformer on the circuit board provides source input to the circuit board with a nominal voltage rating of 38 to 115 VAC.The board outputs frequencies between 0 and 500 kHz, depending on the input voltage.

The complex circuitry on the circuit board ensures that the device operates properly.The circuitry contained on this particular board is the AC/DC monitoring, control stage power supply, motor excitation power supply and driver circuitry.

Configurable system options are available on this board.The user can use any of the twelve jumpers and seven DIP switches for user configuration.On-board status indicators, two LEDs and a neon light, provide the user with diagnostic information about the status of the board's fuses.Three integrated protection fuses protect against power interruptions.Voltage levels on the board should be checked periodically from any of the five test points.

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